#sendflowersto, art and activism meet, flowers for Greenwood, Tulsa, Black Wall St.

In partnership with The Wild Mother, our sister company, #SendFlowerToGreenwood is an ambitious project, where florists from all over the world will come together to adorn Greenwood, Tulsa with flowers for the centennial memorial of the Greenwood Massacre in 1921. The work proposed will require $50K to come to fruition, so we covet your support!



Art is Medicine


Read more about the history of Greenwood Massacre.

As florists, The Wild Mother has the unique opportunity to create for people during the most significant moments of their lives—whether celebrating a milestone or grieving a loss. We’ve learned the power of a handsome floral design, created in love, to send the most sincere sentiments. 

Sending flowers is our human tradition. 

We believe it is important that these people, places, and events are not overlooked, hidden by a blanket of time, politics, or insensitivity. Our team at The Wild Mother hopes to find ways to celebrate, remember, honor, grieve, and educate through our floral medium. 

Sending flowers is our human tradition. 

But, geographical distance and lack of awareness may make it hard to know where or how to send floral sentiments. In light of this, we have constructed a plan to make sending flowers simple for anyone—floral novices and the professional alike. Here’s how this works. 


Meet our team of florists from twm

Callie Palmer
Leah Palmer
Lauren Palmer
  1. Stay connected with The Wild Mother for announcements about the next #SendFlowersTo project. Read about the people and places we want to shower with love and acknowledgement. 

  2. Plan to design (or purchase from your local florist) a floral arrangement. 

  3. Post a photo of the finished product with the hashtag #SendlFowersTo and any other accompanying hashtag The Wild Mother announces for that project. 

  4. In your post, talk about your reason for sending flowers! 

  5. Consider how healing art is. Notice that in creating and sharing you have also exercised empathy and honor.  

We hope you’ll work alongside us to push against an increasingly desensitized world that seems to have forgotten how to grieve, celebrate, or share love without selfish motive or return. 

#SendFlowersTo is a vehicle to express grief and lament toward those grieving, but this project is also a way to acknowledge losses and learn to heal where you are.  

Donations to floral design